
Shifting the brand from products to mission-critical, problem solving innovation.

  • Americase

  • Transform 2023 - Gold, Best Visual Identity: Industrial,

Americase designs and manufactures commercial duty carrying cases for the transportation and storage of high value and hazmat goods. Their clients are several of the world’s largest technology companies, to whom they deliver customized solutions to complex, bet-the-farm logistical containment challenges.

MonogramGroup saw the opportunity to shift from product to real brand impact. So while Americase initially only came to us for a new design system, we delivered a comprehensive brand platform that establishes what Americase offers above all else: Mission Critical, Problem-Solving Innovation.

Americase fully embraced our strategic vision, and allowed us to reframe their brand communication program entirely–from brand messaging across multiple touchpoints to a new brand system, including photography and video assets.

In the end, we helped shift perception from a company that builds shipping containers to a brand that offers mission critical problem-solving when failure is not an option.


We produced a library of photo assets, crafted to elevate and complement the new brand look-and-feel, and stretch across a wide range of marketing touchpoints.

A stack of custom Americase containers.
(Left) Americase employee carrying a large piece of custom metal covering to be used in a case being built. (Right) Two Americase employees talking in a warehouse.
Americase Brochure Cover.
(Left) Photo of Airplane on Americase Brochure cover page.
Americase PPT.

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